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How Odysseuss Pride And Cunning Propelled Him On His Epic Journey

How Odysseus's Pride and Cunning Propelled Him on His Epic Journey

Odysseus's Enduring Drive: A Longing for Home

Throughout Homer's epic poem, "The Odyssey," Odysseus's primary motivation remains steadfast: to return home to his beloved wife, Penelope. This longing drives him through countless perils and trials, inspiring him to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Power and Glory: Double-Edged Swords

While Odysseus's desire for home fuels his determination, his thirst for power and glory also plays a significant role. The allure of kingship and recognition repeatedly diverts him from his path, most notably when he succumbs to Circe's enchantments and remains on her island for seven years.

A Flawed Hero: Odysseus's Excessive Cunning

While Odysseus's wit and cunning prove invaluable in countless situations, they also lead him into danger. His excessive reliance on deception and trickery strains his relationships and undermines his reputation. The Cyclops Polyphemus, for example, curses Odysseus after being blinded, and Poseidon's wrath plagues Odysseus throughout his journey.


Odysseus emerges as a complex and flawed hero whose journey is propelled by both noble and selfish desires. While his longing for home serves as a constant source of motivation, his pursuit of power and glory and his excessive cunning create obstacles on his path. Odysseus's journey ultimately reveals the intricate tapestry of human nature, where even the most heroic figures are not without their flaws.
